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Just click on the tower you want to upgrade -Background tweaks Updated May 18 SEX! now that I have your attention I've added the first NSFW animations for the wizard on being trapped by the tentacles -Tentacles will now only trap one type of each enemy at a time -Added health and desire bar that display stats for selected enemy -Minor tweaks and fixes to smooth gameplay

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Just proof that I still exist! -Updated pathfinding and added roads Updated May 19 -Added a tutorial -Overhauled the defense upgrade so that the price is fixed but only affects one defense on the field at a time. Small visual tweaks Updated Aug 7 I'm back from the raging main. Catapult aiming should be more streamlined and should avoid trapped enemies. Now the only way to make money is with your altars harvesting the souls of the fallen. Added towers to walls which deal damage dependent on how may slaves you have -Altars replaced gold mines. Defeat them any way you can! By force or by coercion! Get access to early updates and special features at Updated Aug 8 -Slaves are now useful. Barbarian Hordes from across the seas are coming to tear down your castle. Click on invaders to see their movements and attacks! This game is very much in early production! I will be adding more levels, animations, enemies, and defenses over the coming weeks.

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