Guitars with gay flag colors

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InterContinental New York Times Square – New York, NY Wind down after the festivities in a private cabana or leisurely float, backdropped by sweeping views of downtown Houston. Overnight guests can stay at the nearby Marriott Marquis Houston - home to the world’s largest Texas-shaped rooftop lazy river.

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Experience various entertainment shows, DJs, a family fun zone as well as exhibition and vendor booths. This year, the 44th annual Houston LGBT+ Pride Celebration® Festival and Parade will take place downtown on June 25. While the destination celebrates the LGBTQ+ community year-round, June is particularly exciting when the Lexington Pride Festival draws over 50,000 people to the city. To catch a drag brunch and delicious bites, head to Epping’s or Lockbox (21c Museum Hotel’s restaurant) or opt for a quiet breakfast at the queer-owned Lussi Brown Coffee Bar, an artisanal coffee shop and bar. One of the oldest and largest gay bars (18,000 square feet under one roof) in the country, The Bar Complex hosts nightly drag shows and even earned its own historical marker. Travelers staying downtown can choose from a variety of inclusive hotels (like 21c Museum Hotel), and will be in the heart of what is affectionately known as the “Fruit Loop” – a walkable circuit of bars, venues, and clubs that cater to the LGBTQ+ crowd.

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